Open the door to employment opportunities

Open the door to employment and volunteer possibilities through our YMCA Aquatic Certifications programs. Certification as a lifeguard or swimming instructor can lead to employment opportunities at the YMCA and elsewhere. You'll also develop leadership skills that can have a profound impact on your future success.

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Certification Programs

In Bronze Medallion we emphasize the lifesaving principles embodied  in the four components of water-rescue education: judgement, knowledge, skill, and fitness.

Rescuers will learn tows and carries as well as defence methods and releases, preparing themselves for challenging rescues involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types.

Bronze Medallion is a Lifesaving Society (LSS) certification offered through the YMCA.

Prerequisite: Must be 13 years or older, or have completed Bronze Star

Upcoming Courses

Bronze Medallion and EFA Certificate Courses

Date: Sept 15th - 20th (No class October 13th)

Time: 2 pm - 6 pm, 5 Weeks - Sundays
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA 
Fee: $195 for YMCA Members | $210 for non-members

Date: Sept 21/22 & 28/29, 

Time: 2 Weekends, Sat 11 am - 5 pm, Sun 11am - 4 pm
Location: Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 
Fee: $195 for YMCA Members | $210 for non-members

Date: Nov 3rd - Dec 1st

Time: 5 Weeks, Sunday 2pm - 6 pm
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA 
Fee: $195 for YMCA Members | $210 for non-members

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We offer Bronze Cross classes for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities.

In this class we focus on the principles of teamwork, procedures, and the use of special equipment.

Bronze Cross is a Lifesaving Society (LSS) certification offered through the YMCA. It is a prerequisite for all LS advanced training programs, including National Lifeguard and Instructor Certifications (YMCA, Lifesaving Society and Red Cross).

Prerequisite: Must have completed Bronze Medallion and Emergency and CPR B certifications.

Upcoming Courses

Bronze Cross

Date: Sept 15th - Oct 20th (No class Oct 13th)

Time: 5 Weeks, Sundays 2pm - 6 pm
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $155 for YMCA members | $170 for non-members

Date: October 19/20 & 26/27

Time: 2 Weekends, Sat 11 am - 5pm, Sun 11 am - 4 pm
Location: Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA
Fee: $155 for YMCA members | $170 for non-members

Date: Nov 3rd - Dec 1st

Time: 5 Weeks, Sunday 2 pm - 6 pm 
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $155 for YMCA members | $170 for non-members

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Learn how to fulfill your role as a professional facilitator of safe, enjoyable aquatics for everyone.

The National Lifeguard (NL) course emphasizes teamwork, leadership, and communication in the prevention of accidents and in first aid treatment of medical emergencies. 

National Lifeguard is a Lifesaving Society (LSS) certification offered through the YMCA. National Lifeguard is the only nationally recognized lifeguard certification in Canada.

Prerequisite: Must be 15 years or older and have completed Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid and CPR C certifications.

Upcoming Courses

National Lifeguard Course

Date: Dec 27th - Dec 31st
Time: 8 am - 4:30 pm, 5-day crash course
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $285 for YMCA members | $300 for non-members

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National Lifeguard Recertification Course

Date: October 6th 
Time: 11 am - 4pm
Location: Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA
Fee: $80 for YMCA members, $95 for non-members

Date: December 8th  
Time: 2pm - 7 pm
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $80 for YMCA members, $95 for non-members

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Standard First Aid incorporates all the emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a more in-depth understanding including: legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone, joint or chest injuries, and medical emergencies. Includes CPR C certification.

Standard First Aid + CPR C is a Lifesaving Society (LSS) certification offered through the YMCA.

Upcoming Courses

LSS Standard First Aid & CPR C

Date: December 14th & 15th
Time: 9 am - 5:30 pm, One Weekend Sat/Sun
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $120 for YMCA members | $135 for non-members

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Take the next step towards employment in Aquatics! Candidates will acquire proven teaching methods, planning skills, and a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques This course offers a dual certification: Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor certification – prepares candidates to teach and evaluate swimming strokes and related skills found in the Lifesaving Society’s Swim for Life program.

LSS Swim & Lifesaving Instructor (Combined) is a Lifesaving Society (LSS) certification offered through the YMCA.


LSS Swim & Lifesaving Instructor (Combined)

Date: Nov 9th - Dec 7th
Time: 5 Weeks, Saturday 8:30 am - 5 pm
Location: Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA
Fee: $375.00 for YMCA Members | $390.00 for non-members
Prerequisite(s): Must be 15 years of age or older; Must hold Bronze Cross certification or higher.

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LSS Swim & Lifesaving Instructor RECERTIFICATION

Date: October 12th 
Time: 3 pm - 7 pm
Location: Les Chater Family YMCA
Fee: $40.00 for YMCA Members | $55.00 for non-members

Prerequisite: Current or expired Lifesaving Society
Instructor (any), Examiner (any) or
Examiner Mentor

Through classroom learning and in-water practice, the Lifesaving Society Assistant Instructor course prepares candidates to help instructors with swimming and lifesaving classes. Candidates are introduced to key principles of learning and teaching while they master basic progressions. The roles and responsibilities of instructors and their assistants are emphasized.

LSS Assistant Instructor

No Posted Dates

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The Examiner course is the first step in the three-step process to become certified as an Examiner for the Lifesaving Society. The Examiner course prepares candidates to apprentice successfully as an Examiner on the exam of their choice, and it builds on the evaluation experience that candidates have attained in instructor-evaluated awards and content. 

LSS Examiner Course

No Posted Dates

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